This guide is meant to point to some of the various ways people express low-grade depression. It discusses methods for keeping depression at bay without pharmaceuticals. My name is Jessica Sams, and I conducted the research and wrote this guide in 2009. I'm sharing the information I learned along with my original references.
This guide is not written for those suffering so greatly that they have become a threat to themselves or others. By the time a mental illness gets to this degree, the sufferer needs prompt attention from a medical professional.
Through my research I have found that, among other things, taking different supplements may help alleviate low-grade depression. I will not guide you as to which vitamins or supplement brands to take. I am not affiliated with any vitamin company.
My goal is to let you know the research that has already been done. Books about emotions don’t mention nutrients as a means to change irritability, anxiety, or depression. Books about food as a means to get physical benefits like heart health don’t mention the emotional benefits to dietary changes. But both WILL recommend antidepressant medications when they talk about depression. Antidepressant medications have their place, and can certainly save lives.
There is a new point of view arising in the medical community. It’s all about the connection between our moods and the food we eat. It’s a revelation that has life-changing potential, called the mood-food connection.
The information I present to you will be your tool for taking charge of your emotional as well as physical health.